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Are Annuities Taxable? Understanding Your Tax Obligations

Published Tue Aug 13 2024

1 min read


Written byAnnuityRatesHQ Editorial Team


Are Annuities Taxable? Understanding Your Tax Obligations

Navigating the tax landscape for annuities can be daunting. Are annuities taxable? Yes, but the extent of taxation varies with the type of annuity you hold. Our discussion distills the essentials of annuity taxation, covering the important distinctions between qualified and non-qualified products, to guide your financial decisions without any surprises at tax time.

Key Takeaways

  • Annuities offer tax-deferred growth, allowing earnings to accumulate without annual tax until withdrawal, at which point earnings from qualified annuities are fully taxable and earnings from non-qualified annuities are taxed as ordinary income.
  • Early withdrawals from annuities before age 59½ may incur a 10% federal tax penalty, although there are exceptions to this rule; additionally, different payout options such as annuitization and lump-sum withdrawals have varying tax implications.
  • Tax treatments for inherited annuities differ for spousal and non-spousal beneficiaries, and state taxation of annuity income varies, with some states exempting it from state income taxes, while others may provide favorable treatment.

Understanding Annuity Taxation

Annuities are financial products that can provide a steady stream of income during retirement. They come in different flavors, each with its own tax considerations. Taxation of annuities hinges on several factors, including the type of annuity, timing of income payments, and how they are funded. Before investing, it’s beneficial to understand the tax status, as it aids in maximizing annuity benefits and avoiding unexpected issues.

When it comes to filing taxes, annuity income is reported using the 1099-R form, which is required when receiving a distribution of $10 or more from retirement income sources. Nonqualified and qualified annuities, two primary types of annuities, have different tax treatments. The former are made with after-tax dollars and are not tax-deductible, while the latter grow tax-deferred, with taxes due only when payouts begin.

Overview of Annuity Taxation

Type of AnnuityTax TreatmentConsiderations

Qualified Annuities

Taxed upon withdrawal

Funded with pre-tax dollars, subject to RMDs

Non-Qualified Annuities

Earnings taxed as ordinary income

Funded with after-tax dollars, no RMDs

Q non Q
Q non Q

Tax-Deferred Growth

Tax-deferred growth, a key benefit of annuities, allows earnings to multiply over time without immediate tax implications. This means that dividends, interest, and capital gains can be fully reinvested and compounded over time without being taxed each year. This tax-deferred status allows annuities to achieve a higher account balance over time compared to similar taxable accounts.

This tax advantage enables annuity earnings to grow without immediate taxation on interest, dividends, or capital gains, which are only taxed upon withdrawal. This characteristic amplifies the attractiveness of annuities as investment options.

Ordinary Income Tax Rates

Upon withdrawal, annuity earnings are subject to ordinary income tax rates, which are typically higher than capital gains tax rates. This implies that when you pay income taxes, your withdrawals will be taxed at the same rate as your ordinary income.

This rule applies to both principal and earnings from qualified annuities. For non-qualified annuities, only the earnings are taxed as ordinary income, while the principal portion is withdrawn tax-free. It is essential to pay taxes on the ordinary income generated from these annuities.

It’s notable that the Last-In, First-Out (LIFO) tax rules apply to non-qualified annuity withdrawals, whereby earnings are taxed first, which could increase the tax liability during the early phase of annuity ownership.

Qualified vs. Non-Qualified Annuities

Annuities can be classified as either qualified or non-qualified, each type bearing distinct tax implications. Qualified annuities are typically purchased using pre-tax funds, often through employer-sponsored plans or tax-deferred accounts like IRAs or 401(k)s. These accounts allow individuals to save for retirement while potentially deferring taxes until withdrawals are made. These annuities are fully taxable upon withdrawal.

Non-qualified annuities are funded with after-tax dollars. Conversely, qualified annuities are funded using pre-tax dollars. Their accumulated earnings grow tax-deferred, and they are not subject to mandatory distribution ages, unlike their qualified counterparts. Further, there are no set annual contribution limits for non-qualified annuities, which is beneficial for those who have maximized their retirement plan contributions and wish to invest more funds.

Qualified Annuities

Funds used to pay for qualified annuities are typically taken from pre-tax income. These annuities are used as a way to save for retirement. This means that the money you put into a qualified annuity has not been taxed yet. Upon distribution, all of the payouts from qualified annuities are fully taxable as income.

For spouses who inherit a qualified annuity, they have the option to roll it over into their own IRA. This allows them to continue the tax-deferred growth, thus avoiding immediate taxes. Non-spousal beneficiaries, on the other hand, can roll over an inherited qualified annuity into an inherited IRA with specific rules and must adhere to required minimum distribution rules.

Non-Qualified Annuities

Non-qualified annuities are funded with after-tax dollars, and upon distribution, only the earnings are subject to ordinary income tax. Earnings within a non-qualified annuity enjoy tax-deferred growth and are frequently subject to the Last-In, First-Out (LIFO) tax principle, potentially leading to increased tax liability in the initial years of distributions.

When distributions begin, the exclusion ratio determines the nontaxable portion of each payment. This ensures the principal investment is returned tax-free, with earnings taxed first under the General Rule.

Unlike qualified annuities, non-qualified annuities are not subject to Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs), as the contributions made were already taxed.

Comparison of Annuity Withdrawal Strategies

StrategyHypothetical Tax ImpactAnnual Taxable Income IncreaseConsiderations

Lump-Sum Withdrawal

Taxes on entire sum in withdrawal year. Hypothetical tax: 30% on $100,000 = $30,000

$100,000 in year of withdrawal

May significantly increase tax bracket for the withdrawal year, impacting eligibility for certain tax credits and deductions.

Systematic Withdrawals

Annual taxes on withdrawals. Hypothetical tax: 20% on $10,000 yearly = $2,000 annually

$10,000 annually over 10 years

Provides a more consistent income stream and helps manage annual tax brackets.

Roth Annuities

No taxes on qualified distributions. Hypothetical tax: $0 on all withdrawals

No increase in taxable income

ontributions are after-tax; earnings and withdrawals are tax-free if conditions are met. Ideal for long-term growth.

Deferred Withdrawals

Taxes deferred until withdrawal. Hypothetical tax: 25% on $10,000 (at withdrawal) = $2,500

Varies based on withdrawal timing and amount

Allows investment to grow tax-deferred; taxes are due upon withdrawal, ideally during lower-income retirement years.

Annuity Payout Options and Taxation
Annuity Payout Options and Taxation

One important aspect of annuity taxation to keep in mind is the penalties for early withdrawals. Should you decide to make withdrawals from an annuity before reaching the age of 59½, you may be subject to a 10% federal tax penalty. This penalty applies to both non-qualified and qualified annuities, although the degree to which it applies differs. For non-qualified annuities, the 10% early withdrawal penalty applies only to the earnings portion, whereas for qualified annuities, the penalty may apply to the entire distribution.

In addition to this, annuity contracts typically include:

  • Surrender charges for withdrawals during the accumulation phase
  • These charges are separate from the 10% federal penalty
  • The charges usually decrease annually, reducing the penalty over the term of the annuity contract.

Exceptions to the Penalty

While the penalties for early withdrawals can be steep, there are certain exceptions that can waive the 10% early withdrawal penalty. For instance, if the annuitant faces permanent disability or passes away, withdrawals can be made without incurring the 10% federal penalty.

Some exemptions to the 10% penalty for early withdrawals from tax deferred retirement accounts include:

  • The sequence of considerably equal periodic payments, as long as it adheres to specific timeframes and conditions
  • Distributions after separation from service after reaching age 55
  • Payments pursuant to a qualified domestic relations order
  • Distributions from a deferred annuity purchased by an employer as part of a qualified retirement plan termination.

Annuity Payout Options and Taxation

Annuities offer diverse payout options, including the choice of a lump-sum payment, consistent income for life, or income across a predetermined number of years. These options come with varying tax implications, therefore, it’s essential for annuity holders to comprehend their choices and the corresponding tax outcomes.

In addition to these, annuity contracts often include provisions for penalty-free withdrawals up to a certain limit of the contract’s value or premium every year. This feature can provide annuity holders with a level of flexibility in managing their annuity investments.


Annuitization is a payout option that converts an annuity investment into a series of periodic payments. For non-qualified annuities, a portion of each annuity payment received through annuitization can be considered a return of the net cost for purchasing the annuity and is not taxable.

The exclusion ratio is used to determine the portion of an annuity payment that is not taxable by distinguishing between the initially invested principal (non-taxable) and earnings (taxable). However, once an annuitant outlives the life expectancy used to set the exclusion ratio, all received payments become fully taxable, as they are considered earnings beyond the recovered principal.

Lump-Sum Withdrawals

Another payout option is the lump-sum withdrawal. In this situation, the entire annuity amount is withdrawn simultaneously. Lump-sum withdrawals from an annuity are fully taxable as ordinary income in the year they are taken.

For non-qualified annuities, the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) tax rule applies, taxing earnings first and potentially increasing tax liability in the early years. After earnings have been exhausted, further withdrawals from non-qualified annuities are considered a tax-exempt return of principal. Contrasting with this, only the earnings are taxed in lump-sum withdrawals from non-qualified annuities, whereas the entire amount is taxable for qualified annuities.

To better understand how different withdrawal strategies from annuities can impact your tax situation, consider the following comprehensive comparison. Each strategy comes with its own set of tax implications and considerations, making it crucial to choose the one that aligns best with your financial goals and tax planning needs.

Hypothetical Comparison of Annuity Withdrawal Strategies

StrategyHypothetical Tax RateHypothetical Annual WithdrawalEstimated Annual TaxCumulative Impact Over 10 Years

Lump-Sum Withdrawal


$100,000 (one-time)


$30,000 in taxes; potential for high immediate tax burden but no subsequent tax implications on this sum.

Systematic Withdrawals


$10,000 annually

$2,000 annually

$20,000 in taxes; lower annual tax rate due to smaller withdrawals, preserving more of the investment for growth.

Roth Annuities

0% (Tax-Free)

$10,000 annually


$0 in taxes; maximizes investment growth potential and provides tax-free income in retirement.

Deferred Withdrawals

25% after deferral

$15,000 annually (starting year 5)

$3,750 annually

$26,250 in taxes over 7 years; allows for tax-deferred growth, with taxes applied on larger withdrawals later.

Both qualified and non-qualified inherited annuities are taxable for beneficiaries. This can lead to decisions that could potentially reduce tax liability. Beneficiaries of non-qualified annuities are liable for income taxes on the profit portion of any distributions they receive.

The amount taxed on inherited annuity earnings will vary based on the payout structure. It also depends on the beneficiary’s relationship with the annuity owner. The most effective strategy for spreading out the tax liability for inherited non-qualified annuities is through nonqualified stretch or lifetime annuitization.

Spousal Beneficiaries

Spousal beneficiaries have more flexibility when it comes to inherited annuities. They have the option to treat an inherited annuity as their own, which allows them to make changes to the beneficiaries and maintain control over the account.

One strategy that spousal beneficiaries can use to manage tax liabilities is to defer distributions from an inherited annuity. They are not required to take immediate distributions, which gives them the opportunity to spread out their tax liabilities over time.

Non-Spousal Beneficiaries

For non-spousal beneficiaries, the tax implications of inherited annuities can be quite different. Inherited non-qualified annuities are taxable only on the earnings above the principal amount that was originally invested, and they may be included in the taxable estate of the owner upon death.

Non-spousal beneficiaries have the option to receive a lump sum payout or utilize the ‘stretch provision’ to spread out payments over their lifetime. The decision between these two options can significantly impact their tax burden. A lump sum payout requires paying taxes on the entire amount at once, while the ‘stretch provision’ offers a way to distribute the tax burden over time.

Non-spousal beneficiaries also have the right to disclaim the inherited annuity, in which case the proceeds would go to other beneficiaries or become part of the estate.

For a practical understanding of how each withdrawal strategy might affect your financial situation, let's explore a hypothetical scenario. The following table presents a side-by-side comparison of various strategies, assuming specific tax rates and withdrawal amounts. This illustration aims to shed light on the potential tax liabilities and overall financial impact over a decade.

State Taxation of Annuity Income

Annuity income taxation varies across states, with some requiring payment of state income taxes on annuity income, potentially based on income thresholds or other criteria. Certain states like Florida, Texas, and Washington exempt annuity income from taxation, making annuities more appealing to their residents.

Some states offer favorable tax treatment for annuity income. For instance, Pennsylvania and New Jersey offer beneficial tax treatments, and New York allows for partial or full income tax exclusion depending on certain factors.

It’s also crucial to understand the impact of state-specific premium taxes when purchasing an annuity, as they can affect the overall cost.

Seeking Professional Help

Given the complexity of annuity taxation, consulting tax professionals can offer crucial insights into the tax consequences of different annuity products, enabling informed decision-making that supports retirement goals. Financial advisors tailor annuity recommendations by considering individual income needs, risk tolerance, and long-term financial objectives.

Their specialized knowledge is indispensable for tackling annuity complexities and achieving the best retirement outcomes. Advisors create unique retirement strategies that factor in the nuanced landscape of tax law and annuity products.

Beyond annuities, tax planning advisors significantly impact personal finance decisions, including insurance and debt management, especially in response to critical personal changes. Given the complexity of annuity taxation, their assistance proves invaluable in making informed financial decisions and comprehending the potential impacts of various transactions.


In sum, understanding annuity taxation is crucial for managing retirement income efficiently. The type of annuity, whether qualified or non-qualified, the withdrawal timing, and the payout structure all influence the taxation of annuities. Early withdrawals may incur penalties, although exceptions exist. State taxes can also impact the overall tax burden. Given the complexities, seeking professional help can provide clarity and guidance, ensuring that you make the most of your annuity investments for a secure retirement.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much of my annuity income is taxable?

If your annuity is qualified, 100% of your withdrawals will be taxable because the money you invested was pre-tax. On the other hand, if it's nonqualified, you'll pay taxes on the earnings portion of withdrawals since you invested using after-tax dollars.

How can I avoid paying taxes on annuities?

Consider funding your annuity through a Roth 401(k) or Roth IRA to avoid paying taxes upon withdrawal, as these accounts are funded with after-tax dollars.

How much does a $100,000 annuity pay per month?

A $100,000 annuity purchased at age 65 with immediate payments could yield about $614 per month, as of March 9, 2023.

How much does a $50,000 annuity pay per month?

The monthly payout for a $50,000 annuity can vary from around $327.05 to $449.96, depending on the expected return on investment.

What is tax-deferred growth in annuities?

Tax-deferred growth in annuities allows earnings to multiply over time without immediate taxation, enabling full reinvestment and compounding of earnings without annual taxation.




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DISCLAIMER:The content provided on this website is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as a recommendation to purchase an annuity. It is important to consult with a qualified financial planner, advisor, tax professional, and legal advisor to determine if an annuity is appropriate for your individual circumstances. The annuity reviews and information available on this website may not always reflect the most current data and may not be relevant to your state of residence. Availability and terms of annuity products can vary by state. The logos, materials, names, and brochures used in our reviews belong to their respective owners and are not affiliated with AnnuityRatesHQ.com. For the most up-to-date information and brochures, please contact us directly. When you reach out, you may be connected with a licensed insurance agent in your state who can provide more information and possibly offer an annuity for sale. Please be aware that annuities are not issued by the U.S. Government, are not backed by government guarantees, and are not insured by the FDIC. All guarantees associated with annuities rely on the financial strength and claims-paying ability of the issuing insurance company.

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